Arizona- The Grand Canyon State


 Welcome to my website!

By Cactus Wren Jean 

            You are desperate for information for a state report. Your state is Arizona, and you just don't know where to get information. Well, breathe in, breathe out, because you've found just the site;
. Here, you will find all you need to know about Arizona. Geographical features, links, photos, history- you name it; it's all in this website. (The pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them.) This website is a great place for research, and much much more! After all, this is the complete website of Arizona.
            Hope you enjoy!   

Arizona's Name

                                                     Arizona's Origin
How do you think Arizona got its name? The term Arizona comes from the term "ali sona", meaning
small springs. There also was a town in Mexico named Arizonac near it. This relates to the amount of Mexicans that came across the state, such as Coronado and Marcos de Niza.
             Arizona's nickname is "The Grand Canyon State" because its most popular attraction, the Grand Canyon. It is most in the Grand Canyon National Park, and is unmatched in the number of visitors that arrive there. It has been carved out by the many rivers that flow in and around the state.   